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When It Rains, It Freakin' Pours.....

Writer's picture: Big Chief BarclayBig Chief Barclay

We all know that old expression, and there's another one I used to hear one of my uncles say, but it's not family friendly enough to use as the blog headline....something about just when you think you can breathe easy, life kicks you right between the goal-posts.....

Just as I start to breathe easy about my son, and just as I finally start catching up on things, we get a cancer diagnosis on my father. Supposedly, it's "nothing to worry about", but, we all know how fathers can be, so needless to say, I've been more or less in "panic mode" the past few weeks.

Ideally, I should just shut the business down for the duration, as things have more or less ground to a standstill here, between his doctor appointments, and now mine, for stress & anxiety issues. BUT, that isn't going to happen, as the reality of it is, I still love my work, and it still actually provides me with a form of escapism & keeps my mind off things.

Orders are still going out, it's just that I ask everyone to please be patient & understand that there's a LOT on my plate right now, and until we figure out exactly what's going on over here, I'll be lucky if I don't get lost bringing in the mail!

PLEASE, do NOT worry, you are NOT forgotten!! Just because I'm difficult to get a hold of, and there hasn't been any new activity on the website or FaceBook page, it doesn't mean nothing's going on in the shop or office....nobody is more aware of how long some of you have been waiting, than I am....and it all goes back to what I've been preaching since I started doing this - I would rather delay things & give you the quality you expect & deserve, instead of just slapping something together to get another name off the waiting do that, would only be counter-productive, as you won't be happy and won't re-order, which only makes me unhappy, because you won't be re-ordering.

Thanks again for all of your patience & understanding, and especially for the outpouring of support some of you have shown for our son, it really means a lot to us, as we kind of view our website not so much as a means of commerce, but also as a family of like minded collectors....

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