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Writer's pictureBig Chief Barclay

Christmas Canceled This Year

As much as it pains me to do it, I have to....... As many of you know, from our private conversations, it's been one hell of a year, and it just isn't getting easier. I know many of you count on us every year for your Christmas needs, but this year, for the first time in over 25 years, I have to let you down...... There's just WAY too much happening, between trying to settle my dad's estate, pack & relocate my home & business, etc.....My gut reaction was to pull the plug on things last April, when I found out my father had cancer, but, I figured the "work therapy" would keep my mind occupied, so maybe it was best I try to continue with "business as usual".....

I guess maybe my "business as usual" attitude wasn't such a great idea, as it seemed to minimize the exact nature & impact of things happening here, as while most customers have been more than gracious, there were, as there always will be, a few who still don't quite understand that the "Amazon Business Model" doesn't apply here, and that even under 100% perfect & ideal conditions, next day delivery just isn't in the cards...

So, it is with deep regret, and apologies for any inconvenience, that I am taking a holiday season off, so I can concentrate fully on straightening out "life" and preparing for the next great adventure.......Don't worry, I'm not closing my business, by "next great adventure", I mean relocating to someplace down south, and maybe even finding a small town someplace & opening a retail store....

Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time, and I send out my sincerest wishes for a healthy, happy, and safe holiday season to all my customers!

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Mike Creek
Mike Creek
Jan 01, 2020

Did you find a place yet? My wife and I moved from our home in California where we both grew up, to south west Kentucky, Scottsville, near Bowling Green. It's a growing area but still not very expensive. Everyone is very nice and we love it here. I pray you will find a new home for your family and your business. May God bless you in your search for peace and comfort.


Dec 20, 2019

I understand completely. Please don't close up shop. I have been a customer of your's for 20+ years. You have given me many hours of joy. Your craftsmanship is wonderful. If you can continue the business and I hope your life gets easier soon. Tony Candela


Susan Wilks
Dec 06, 2019

SOOOO sorry to hear about your hectic year. Wishing you the best. Hope to connect once you are settled.


Nov 14, 2019

Wishing you Peace my friend.

Keep us advised on your continuing journey.


Art Donley


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